20 research outputs found

    Driving locus of control : The Czech adaptation

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    Objectives. This study attempts to introduce the Driving Locus of Control (DLoC), a method focused on the internal or external source of attribution of the driving behaviour, to the Czech context. This study also relates DLoC to attitudes towards autonomous vehicles (AVs). Participants and setting. Out of the general population, 59 inquirers personally interviewed (CAPI) 1 065 respondents (49% women) in the age range between 15 and 92 years (M = 50, SD = 17). The respondents were sampled via multistage random sampling procedure, based on the list of addresses in the Czech Republic. Hypotheses. The authors hypothesised to replicate the original two-factor structure of the DLoC Scale and that the higher levels of internal DLoC result in not considering the improvement in traffic safety as the AVs replace human drivers. Statistical analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to analyse the factor structure of DLoC Scale. Hypotheses related to the empirical validity of the method were assessed via structural equation modelling. The reliability of DLoC Scale was calculated in terms of internal consistency (McDonald coefficient). Results. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed reasonably good support for structural validity of the one-dimensional DLoC-CZ15 factor model (χ2 = 426.967, df = 90, CFI = 0.964, TLI = 0.958, SRMR = 0.066, RMSEA = 0.065). In addition, the one-dimensional DLoC-CZ15 factor model showed acceptable internal consistency - ω = 0.9 (95% CI [0.89, 0.91]). The structural equation modelling found a relationship between DLoC and some of the items capturing attitudes towards AVs, too. Study limitations. The analysed data were obtained via interviews between respondents and inquirers. As a result, the study does not contain indicators of empirical validity measured by a methodologically different approach, such as an observation of driving behaviour

    Human Factors in the Cybersecurity of Autonomous Vehicles: Trends in Current Research

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    The cybersecurity of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is an important emerging area of research in traffic safety. Because human failure is the most common reason for a successful cyberattack, human-factor researchers and psychologists might improve AV cybersecurity by researching how to decrease the probability of a successful attack. We review some areas of research connected to the human factor in cybersecurity and find many potential issues. Psychologists might research the characteristics of people prone to cybersecurity failure, the types of scenarios they fail in and the factors that influence this failure or over-trust of AV. Human behavior during a cyberattack might be researched, as well as how to educate people about cybersecurity. Multitasking has an effect on the ability to defend against a cyberattack and research is needed to set the appropriate policy. Human-resource researchers might investigate the skills required for personnel working in AV cybersecurity and how to detect potential defectors early. The psychological profile of cyber attackers should be investigated to be able to set policies to decrease their motivation. Finally, the decrease of driver’s driving skills as a result of using AV and its connection to cybersecurity skills is also worth of research

    A neuroscientific evaluation of driver rehabilitation:Functional neuroimaging demonstrates the effectiveness of empathy induction in altering brain responses during social information processing

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    An alarming number of traffic-related deaths occur each year on European roads alone. Figures reveal that the vast majority of road-traffic accidents are caused by drivers themselves, and so further improvements in road safety require developments in driver training and rehabilitation. This study evaluated a novel approach to driver rehabilitation-specifically, empathy induction as a means of changing attitudes towards risky driving. To assess the effectiveness of this method, the present study employed functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to compare brain function before and after a short program of empathy induction in 27 drivers whose licenses had been revoked after serious traffic offences (rehabilitated drivers [RDs]). In an extension of our previous research, we first assessed whether neural responses to empathy-eliciting social stimuli changed in these RDs. In order to isolate the neurophysiological effects of empathy induction from any other potential influences, we compared these RDs to a sample of 27 age-, handedness- and driving experience-matched control drivers (CDs) who had no exposure to the program. We then performed dual-fMRI "hyperscanning" to evaluate whether empathy induction changed brain responses during real-world social interactions among drivers; namely, during co-operative and/or competitive exchanges. Our data reveal that RDs exhibited weaker brain responses to socio-emotional stimuli compared with CDs prior to the program, but this difference was reversed after empathy induction. Moreover, we observed differences between pre- and post-program assessments in patterns of brain responses in RDs elicited during competitive social exchanges, which we interpret to reflect a change in their proclivity to react to the perceived wrong-doing of other road users. Together, these findings suggest that empathy induction is an effective form of driver rehabilitation, and the utility of neuroscientific techniques for evaluating and improving rehabilitation programs

    An evaluation of traffic-awareness campaign videos:Empathy induction is associated with brain function within superior temporal sulcus

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    Acting appropriately within social contexts requires an ability to appreciate others' mental and emotional states. Indeed, some campaign programs designed to reduce anti-social behaviour seek to elicit empathy for the victims. The effectiveness of these campaigns can be evaluated according to the degree to which they induce such responses, but by applying neuroscientific techniques this can be done at the behavioural and neurophysiological level. Neuroimaging studies aimed at identifying the neural mechanisms behind such socio-cognitive and -emotional processes frequently reveal the role of the superior temporal sulcus (STS). We applied this knowledge to assess the effectiveness of traffic-awareness campaign adverts to induce empathic expression. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were acquired from 20 healthy male volunteers as they watched these campaign videos consisting of a dramatic sequence of events and catastrophic endings, and control videos without such dramatic endings. Among other structures, a significantly greater neural response was observed within bilateral STS, particularly within the right hemisphere, during the observation of campaign relative to control videos. Furthermore, activation in these brain regions correlated with the subjects' empathic expression. Our results develop our understanding of the role of STS in social cognition. Moreover, our data demonstrate the utility of neuroscientific methods when evaluating the effectiveness of campaign videos in terms of their ability to elicit empathic responses. Our study also demonstrates the utility of these specific stimuli for future neuroscientific research

    Does Increasing Farm Plot Size Influence the Visual Quality of Everyday Agricultural Landscapes?

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    peer reviewedThe increase in farm plot size is one of the most apparent and significant trends that have influenced central and eastern European agricultural landscapes since the 1950s. In many countries where the average plot size in traditional land-use systems did not exceed several hectares, present-day plots reach the size of 200 ha or more. In recent times, efforts have been made to reverse this trend to restore important ecosystem functions and to re-establish the aesthetic values of everyday landscapes. Visual landscape quality is becoming a major driving force in the development of agricultural landscapes with known effects on people's well-being and health, and this quality plays an increasingly important role in agricultural policies. However, no comprehensive research has been carried out to establish the links between perceived visual landscape quality and the scale of the farm plot pattern. The current study was therefore designed to determine whether greater farmland pattern heterogeneity, i.e., smaller farm plot sizes, is consistent with higher visual preferences. The results showed that people preferred a small-scale plot pattern in landscapes characterized by a flat relief and a low proportion of woody vegetation. These homogeneous landscapes were also overall considered significantly less beautiful than more diverse landscapes. However, even a moderate decrease in plot size notably improved these low beauty scores. These preferences were displayed consistently by all respondents, and most strongly by older respondents, respondents with a higher level of education, and those professionally engaged in landscape design or conservation. The high level of consensus among respondents in rejecting further land consolidation in homogeneous landscapes, which form a large proportion of European farmland, underlines that the results of this study provide a valid argument for discussing sustainable agricultural plot sizes as part of agricultural policy-making

    Case study of professional tennis coaches work

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    Titel: Case study of professional tennis coaches work Goals: The goal of study is to compare the groups of selected trainers of children of the youngest groups (children of 3 years age) to adults (players of 18 years and older), to do the analysis of their work and try to find out, how do the good players achieve the results. Method: The analysis of the professional activities is based on the analysis of literature, knowledge of the structure of the training unit in each category, qualitative asking and surveilance. Results: The results provide information on how the groups of tennis trainers across different age groups of players work. The results assess the style, role and education. Key words: tennis, coac

    Efektivita versus rovnost

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    Numerická a experimentální analýza vybraného celodřevěného tesařského spoje

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    The major task of this topic is evaluation of the birdsmouth carpentry joint by various approaches employing finite element method and DIC. The numerical modeling is carried out to predict mechanical performance of the joint and the DIC as reference measurement has been established. There are proposed few achievements in introducing of effective way to give sufficient comparison. (1) The model in several variations is presented whereas gluing and contact analysis in ANSYS is in research scope. (2) The DIC was viably established with the real mechanical measurement in the same time. Although there were found some differences in comparison o FEM with DIC, the results present similarities especially when the contact analysis was carried out

    Effectiveness versus equality

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    Institut ekonomických studiíFakulta sociálních vě

    The impact of regulation on the protection of financial intermediary clients

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    Financial intermediation due to misselling harms consumers. The work concerns to regulation of financial intermediaries and relation between financial intermediary and his or her client. The main objective is to analyze how the regulatory of commissions impact financial intermediation. The paper analyzes the current form of legal status of financial intermediation in the European Union and the Czech Republic and results in analyzing the impacts of regulatory proposals that was discussed in Chamber of Deputies Parliament of the Czech Republic. It concludes that if the proposals were accepted, it will not improve the quality of consumer protection, but even can cause damage to the client. The current legislative base moreover provides sufficient resources to prosecuting financial intermediation, which does not respect the client's interest. For analyzing the relation between financial intermediary and his or her client is developed theoretical model based on theory of games